Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Galih Alfattah Bestari - Skills Required for a Campaign Manager

Campaign managers manage the operations of the fundraising events campaign. They generate, motivate and increase community participation and contributions. As a Campaign Manager, Galih Alfattah Bestari is responsible for establishing, implementing and handling marketing campaigns that promote an organization and its products and/or services. Campaign managers develop and manage marketing campaigns for products, services or activities that target consumers or other businesses. Generally operating under a head of marketing but dealing with a marketing team, they oversee strategies in a variety of formats.

Key skills For Campaign manager:

Management skills: As a campaign manager you will devise advertising plans but your crew or external firms will deliver them. Therefore, they need to guide their staff and build parameters but also delegate rather than micro-manage.

Communication skills: Fantastic writing skills are a prerequisite as you will regularly have to write copy for marketing promotions. But they also need pristine communicating skills. They have to manage connections with agencies and third parties as well as persuade a non-marketing audience, such as senior level professionals within the company, of the wisdom of proposed campaigns.

Project management skills: As a campaign manager you will have to perform with a budget, meet work deadlines for multiple assignments and ensure ROI on marketing campaigns. You will need to handle the organization’s outcome effectively and intervene if things are going off-track.

Numerical skills: A challenging combination, probably, but they need to be good with words and numbers. You will need to obtain data and use it to target selected groups, as well as examine the success or otherwise of campaigns.

Leadership Skills: By now you are a wonderful “all-round manager” and it is time to get started thinking about becoming a wonderful leader. The first thing to acknowledge is “what is the difference between management and leadership?” Then you need to find out and practice lots of new leadership skills to take you to the next level including techniques to approach the first day, week, month and year of leadership, leading with emotional intelligence, creating your own voice as head and growing further from established senior manager to inspiring leader.

Planning: Campaign Manager may or may not be individually involved in drafting organization policy and strategy, but even those who aren’t even now must be able to plan. You might be given certain objectives and then be responsible for building ways to meet those objectives. You may need to adjust somebody else’s plan to new circumstances. In either case, you’ll have to know what your resources are, develop time tables and budgets, and assign tasks and areas of responsibility.